UTAH CTE at a glance Document View here

Career and Technical Education programs in Morgan School District provide opportunities for students to find relevance in their learning, support their career development, and leave high school with skills that will lead them to a high wage/high demand occupation.

CTE offers 62 pathways in 8 areas of study. Students participate in training in a variety of settings and levels including intermediate, middle and high school programs with post-secondary options available through Bridgerland Applied Technical College.

Participation in Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO's) such as FFA, FBLA, FCCLA or Skills USA help students develop leadership and other interpersonal skills. Opportunities in work-based learning develops workplace readiness skills and increases employability.

80% of Utah's Seniors say they are going to college; 50% enroll; 34% complete post-secondary degrees.
20% of local and national jobs require a bachelors degree or higher; 65% require advanced CTE/technical training either in high school or college; 15% are unskilled.
8 of 20 fastest growing occupations within the next decade will require Career and Technical Education training. --US Bureau of labor Statistics.
CTE is highly successful in improving earnings, both for students who enter the workforce right out of high school and for those who work while going to college.
More CTE concentrators in postsecondary education immediately after high school. Eight years after graduation, 53% of concentrators had earned a postsecondary degree or certificate.
CTE helps students be more engaged in school
CTE helps prevent students from dropping out
CTE helps students be more prepared for college entry
CTE is certainly compatible with more rigor, improved academic achievement, and post-secondary enrollment
--NAVE Study, 2004 US Department of Education

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